Frequently Asked Questions
This section contains a list of some of the most asked questions about Girls State and answers from the National American Legion Auxiliary. For each question we have provided a link to more information on this website if it is available.
What is Girls State?
See the information on the website here.
How is this program funded?
The program is funded by Georgia's American Legion Auxiliary, with some additional support coming from other civic and non-profit organizations. The Girls Nation program is funded by the national organization of the Auxiliary, with some support from each participating state. Little or no expense is required of the citizen or her family.
Are scholarships available?
There are several scholarships available. See the scholarship section for more details. You should also check with your local American Legion Auxiliary to see what scholarships are available in your area.
Why should I give up a week of my summer to attend Girls State?
This is a tough one. I mean really. Girls State is in June and you have just spent the past nine months racking your brains out learning about science, math, etc. Why would you want to spend another week having to learn stuff? There are many good reasons to attend Girls State. Here is our very own Top 10 list:
10. If you pay attention at all, you'll almost (this is a disclaimer) be guaranteed to be a star in your senior class.
9. It is good to have on your college admissions applications.
8. The food at VSU is very good. REALLY!
7. You will most likely be attending college in a little over a year and this is a good test of your ability to meet new and different people.
6. It's cool to learn with people who actually want to learn.
5. Sparkling counselors.
4. This is an excellent place to try out your leadership skills with people who don't know you.
3. It is VERY good to have on your scholarship applications.
2. Even though you might not want to admit it now, you like having friends. Most graduates make life-long friendships with young women from across the state they have met during this week.
1. Did I mention sparkling counselors?!
How are participants chosen?
See more on the selection process here.
Who are some past participants?
There are so many exciting success stories. See a list of some of the past participants here.
Where and when is Georgia Girls State held?
The most up-to-date dates and locations can be found on the home page here.
What are the goals of the program?
See the objectives here.
What does a typical session include?
The citizens are divided into two mythical political "parties." The parties do not reflect the two major political parties in today's system but allow citizens to gain a special knowledge of how the system works. Elections are held to fill city, county, and state positions. Activities include legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating, and voting. The citizens also receive instruction in Parliamentary Procedure.
This "hands-on" method is unique and extremely effective. Girls State affords participants an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens by informing them about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship and hopefully encourages their participation in the democratic process as they progress into adulthood. Additional activities include talent shows, group devotions, and patriotic ceremonies.
If I drive to Girls State, is there a place where I can park my car?
Yes. The parking lot is near the residence halls and is patrolled by campus police. However, you will NOT have access to your car during the week. You will register your car when you check in with Georgia Girls State. Parking on the campus is at your own risk. The Georgia Girls State program is not responsible for damage to your car or any parking violations.
When does registration start?
1 pm on Sunday. You are responsible for lunch on Sunday. Many have sandwiches during the trip to Valdosta. Others have lunch at a local food court nearby on campus and there are several fast food establishments within a couple of miles. Your sponsoring American Legion Auxiliary should see that you have lunch before reporting on Sunday.
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I may have to arrive after the registration line is closed. What should I do?
If this situation arises on the day of the program, contact the director at 770-337-7997. Once you arrive on campus come to the Georgia Girls State Office to register.
See the campus map here.
My friends and I are coming to Girls State. What are the chances of us rooming together?
Hopefully little. One of the major benefits of the program is the opportunity to meet new people and learn about the diversity of our state. The room assignments are based on random computer housing assignments.
When is the first meal?
The first meal will be Sunday evening dinner at 5:30 p.m. Sunday
What should I bring to Girls State?
Here is a link to a list of items to bring with you - you can print it up if you like to help you prepare for your trip.
Can I bring my cell phone?
Yes. However, Girls State cannot be held responsible for your cell phone and their use is not permitted in any Girls State session. There are phone jacks in each room. Please bring a phone and a calling card for your personal use. Please review our cell phone and electronic communication policy.
How much money do I need to bring?
All your meals are covered. Any extra money would be used for snacks in the residence halls and for any souvenirs you might want to purchase. We are not responsible for lost or stolen articles or money.
Can I leave the VSU campus during the week?
No. With nearly 375 delegates and counselors, we restrict off-campus travel to emergencies and pre-arranged events.
I am diabetic. Is that a problem?
No. Provisions will be made for you to keep any medications you need for your diabetes.
I assume alcohol, smoking, and drug use are not allowed at Girls State.
A good guess. But in case you were wondering, if you are caught in possession of, or using alcohol or drugs, you will be sent home immediately. We will contact your sponsor and high school and explain why you are being sent home and why their fees will not be refunded.
What will I need to do if I have to leave before the conclusion of the Inauguration/Graduation Ceremony on Friday morning?
If you cannot attend the ENTIRE program through the Friday Morning Inauguration/Graduation Ceremony, you should relinquish your invitation and let another student take your place. Your local American Legion Auxiliary Unit has paid your enrollment fees and transportation so that you may attend Girls State at no cost. The sponsoring Unit deserves their money's worth. More importantly, you will not receive the full benefits of the program. Finally, you will be a part of a TEAM, the city you are assigned to. For you to leave early will put your fellow citizens and the city at a disadvantage. For example, imagine in your hometown a citizen running for the position of mayor, and as soon as she is elected she moves away. The faith and trust her fellow citizens placed in her to serve has been broken.
If during the week a family emergency arises your parents can contact the Georgia Girls State director at 770-337-7997 and arrange for your departure.
When will we be dismissed from the program?
Friday morning after the Inauguration/Graduation Ceremony and as soon as your city counselor gets you checked out. You are expected to return home in the same manner that you traveled to Georgia Girls State. Anything different should be arranged with your sponsoring American Legion Unit (such as my parents will be picking me up).
Generally, the Inauguration/Graduation Ceremony is over between 11:00 and 11:30 a.m.
I have another question.
Check the questions page and then email us.